Vistasite Eye Care 
of Valley Stream

Diabetic Eye Exams

Diabetic Eye Exams

Diabetic Eye Exams services offered in Valley Stream, NY

Routine eye exams are crucial if you have diabetes. At Vistasite Eye Care of Valley Stream in Valley Stream, New York, board-certified optometrist Yuliya Bababekova, OD, and her team offer comprehensive diabetic eye exams for people of all ages. Schedule an exam by phone or online today to get screened for diabetes-related eye issues.

Diabetic Eye Exams Q & A

What are diabetic eye exams?

Diabetic eye exams at Vistasite Eye Care of Valley Stream are comprehensive evaluations of eye health in people with diabetes. These exams are important because high blood sugar linked to diabetes can cause significant eye problems when not addressed. Eye conditions that diabetes increases the risk of include:

  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Diabetic macular edema
  • Cataracts

Early detection of these and other eye issues can maximize your eye health and even save your vision. 

What are the symptoms of diabetic eye disease?

The symptoms you may notice because of diabetic eye disease include:

  • Flashes of light
  • Blurry vision
  • Wavy vision 
  • Poor color vision
  • Frequent vision changes
  • Vision loss
  • Floaters
  • Dark spots in your vision 

However, not all eye diseases cause symptoms initially. That’s why routine diabetic eye exams are so important.

What do diabetic eye exams consist of?

During a diabetic eye exam, your optometrist discusses your symptoms, medical history, and concerns you may have. They evaluate your eyes, screen your vision, and complete a dilated eye exam. 

During vision screening, you read letters and numbers from an eye chart and look through various lenses to determine your vision prescription. 

Your provider dilates your pupils using eye drops to view internal eye structures. You may complete different eye tests or undergo imaging procedures to create images of your retinas or other parts of your eyes.

When you need vision correction, such as eyeglasses or contact lenses, your optometrist offers these services.

If you have an eye disease, your provider may refer you to another specialist for surgery or recommend you make lifestyle changes or take medications. 

How often should I schedule diabetic eye exams?

Schedule diabetic eye exams every year to screen for diabetes-related eye diseases. Call the Vistasite Eye Care of Valley Stream office whenever you develop new symptoms, including vision changes or eye pain. 

What can I do at home to protect my eyes from diabetes?

Adopting healthy habits is the best way to reduce the risk of diabetic eye problems. Eat nutritious foods, maintain an ideal weight, exercise regularly, take diabetes medications as directed, and check your blood sugar levels regularly. In addition to scheduling diabetic eye exams yearly, see your diabetes provider routinely to check your blood sugar levels. 

Schedule diabetic eye exams at Vistasite Eye Care of Valley Stream by phone or online today.